Helloooo from Koh Chang. We're still here and considering a permanent stay! Just Kidding, but this place really is fantastic.
After a pretty slow day yesterday on the beach we decided to see the island a bit and rented a motorbike. We went down to Lonely beach to check out some different bungalows that we may or may not move to for the second half of our stay here.
Then we went elephant riding! My elephants name was Sonchai and Jason's was Churpy (he doesn't really remember for sure). They were massive but very gentle and friendly. Elephants live to 90 years old! Ours were only 20 and 42. We rode for 40 minutes and then fed them some bananas. Each elephant has a specific rider that always rides them from early on....the whole outfit had 10 elephants.

After that we rode to a waterfall nearby. Luckily, there were some Germans and Austrians that were also headed in that direction so we followed there lead through the jungle on foot and came to swimming hole. The waterfall was not very big as it is not the rainy season here, but we were still able to swim. Some of the people got naked....we Americans are pretty modest I guess and left our clothes on!

We spent some time on the beach and watched the sunset. We're still contemplating where to go tomorrow as our hotel arrangements end at noon....I suppose we'll discuss over dinner at a German/Thai place called Hattie's that overlooks the gulf. Time is slowing down for us here and we're not too concerned!